Looking for a summer internship?
L.A Parent Magazine (laparent.com) is looking for editorial interns. You don't have to be a parent, but you should have an appreciation for parents' roles, stories and contributions, as well as a general interest in children and their development and well-being.
You will work closely with a creative and dedicated editorial; team to help carry out day-to-day operations and publishing strategy for our website, print magazine, e-newsletter and events.
Duties include:
- Working closely with editorial teams to understand the editorial focus of each month and week.
- crafting and posting relevant engaging content
- Helping develop L.A. Parent's warm, informative and accessible voice across all channels
- Keeping tabs on social media trends within and outside of the industry
- Reporting on community events
In short we are looking for a strong communicator who is creative and good at coming up with ideas and are interested in being part of a small team where you can learn a great deal in a short amount of time and make a real and meaningful contribution.
Hours:12-15 hours a week
Pay: $400 stipend at the end of the successful completion of internship, plus internship credit.
Submit resume to Elena Epstein: Elena.epstein@laparent.com